Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth
NOV 16-18 00:00 AM (GMT-4)
The 13th Station
Beijing Stomatological Hospital, Capital Medical University
Mentor: Dr. Xianju Xie
Time: 166 mins
Multidisciplinary Patient Care: From Child to Adult--Serial extraction and autotransplantation
JUL 27-29 00:00 AM (GMT-4)
Twelfth Stop
The University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Mentor: Dr. Chun-Hsi Chung
Time: 90 mins
Esthetics in Orthodontics
MAY 24-26 00:00 AM (GMT-4)
Eleventh Stop
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Mentor: Dr. Chung How Kau
Time: 86 mins
Transverse-first Approach in Orthodontics
MAR. 29-31 00:00 AM (GMT-4)
Tenth Stop
Mentor: Dr. Hong He
Time: 127 mins
Clinical Showcase
Each Showcase has one pre-set academic topic or theme for discussion. IOF carefully tailors the subject matter to meet the actual needs of the attending clinicians. The Showcase aims to create a collaborative environment for dialogue in which eminent world leader in Orthodontics can share insights and fresh perspectives. It also presents a rare opportunity for audiences to learn from orthodontics programs, medical schools, and universities worldwide.