Orthodontic Treatment of  Impacted Teeth

Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth

NOV 16-18 00:00 AM (GMT-4)
The 13th Station
Beijing Stomatological Hospital, Capital Medical University
Mentor: Dr. Xianju Xie
Time: 166 mins
Multidisciplinary Patient Care: From Child to Adult--Serial  extraction and autotransplantation

Multidisciplinary Patient Care: From Child to Adult--Serial extraction and autotransplantation

JUL 27-29 00:00 AM (GMT-4)
Twelfth Stop
The University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Mentor: Dr. Chun-Hsi Chung
Time: 90 mins
Esthetics in Orthodontics

Esthetics in Orthodontics

MAY 24-26 00:00 AM (GMT-4)
Eleventh Stop
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Mentor: Dr. Chung How Kau
Time: 86 mins
Transverse-first Approach in  Orthodontics

Transverse-first Approach in Orthodontics

MAR. 29-31 00:00 AM (GMT-4)
Tenth Stop
Mentor: Dr. Hong He
Time: 127 mins
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Clinical Showcase

Each Showcase has one pre-set academic topic or theme for discussion. IOF carefully tailors the subject matter to meet the actual needs of the attending clinicians. The Showcase aims to create a collaborative environment for dialogue in which eminent world leader in Orthodontics can share insights and fresh perspectives. It also presents a rare opportunity for audiences to learn from orthodontics programs, medical schools, and universities worldwide.
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Ravindra Nanda Personal profile avatar
Dr.Ravindra Nanda

If we use proper biomechanics, we can cut down treatment time by minimizing or eliminating side effects. Applying proper mechanics can cut down treatment time 40-50%.

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Dr. Zhihe Zhao

The so-called smart orthodontics refers to the realization of orthodontic case management, analysis and diagnosis, treatment plan formulation, visual efficacy prediction, and appliance evaluation through technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, graphics and image processing, computer-aided design, and auxiliary manufacturing.

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Mariya Jeon

As an orthodontic clinician, IOF gives me the opportunity to learn about the new technologies and clinical tools. Their courses are great and I recommend everyone interested in the field to listen to their lectures!

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Rudat Volker

I just applied for IOF's research grant, I think it is a great opportunity for scientists to access grants so we can have the necessary funding to pursue our studies!

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Xie Frank

IOF is great! I think it is still a young organization but it offers great services, membership and courses are free!